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5 Effective Methods on How To Get Rid of Moths

With temperatures hovering around 50 degrees in the Greater Boston area, now is the perfect moment to delve into the art of storing your winter wardrobe for the summer while ensuring it remains moth-free.

Dealing with moths in the clothes closet can lead to significant damage to your garments and fabrics.  Below we will cover what attracts moths to closets, and share proven methods to keep moths away from clothes and get rid of moths.

Remove Moths from Closet with Regular Cleaning

Moths can find their way into closets through various means, including shopping items, open windows, doors, or even pets bringing them in after walks. Furthermore, moths are attracted to body odors, sweat, and food residues on clothes. Moth eggs on clothes can lead to damaging infestations if left untreated. Before tucking away your summer wardrobe, give your clothes a refreshing spin with a hot water wash (only if they can be washed) or opt for Personal Cleaner & Tailors’ eco-friendly wet cleaning  to prevent infestations. In addition to this preventive measure, regularly clean your closet twice a year, ideally in spring for winter clothes and autumn for summer clothes, before storing seasonal items. To clean your closet thoroughly, start by emptying it and dusting or vacuuming all surfaces to remove dust and debris. Wipe down surfaces with a cloth soaked in a soapy solution, then rinse with a clean, damp cloth to remove soap residue. Allow everything to dry completely for a few hours before returning your items to ensure moisture evaporates.

Moth Repellents

Repellents deter moths through scent but don’t eliminate them. Various homemade options, such as sachets filled with aromatic herbs or cotton pads soaked in scented oils, serve as effective repellents. While these aromatic solutions won’t kill moths or eggs, they’re effective in preventing moths in your closet by discouraging wandering moths from lingering on your clothes.

Moth Balls for Clothes

Repellents deter moths through scent but don’t eliminate them. Various homemade options, such as sachets filled with aromatic herbs or cotton pads soaked in scented oils, serve as effective repellents. While these aromatic solutions won’t kill moths or eggs, they’re effective in preventing moths in your closet by discouraging wandering moths from lingering on your clothes.

 Eco-Dry Cleaning

Dry cleaning offers a convenient way to keep your clothes fresh and clean without water. Our Green Dry Cleaning service in Lexington, MA, and Weston, MA, uses a non-toxic and environmentally friendly method, ensuring your garments are preserved while reducing environmental impact.


To ensure your closet remains organized and free from moths, Personal Cleaners & Tailors provides Seasonal Clothing Storage. Our service guarantees that your clothes stay shielded throughout the off-season, effectively preventing any risk of moth damage.

Get in touch with us today for more information.

#getridofmoths, #mothsincloset, #ecodrycleaningLexingtonMA, #GreenDryCleaningWestonMA #seasonalclothingstorage